Flag | City | Country | School | Latitude (°) +N/-S | Longitude (°) +E/-W |
| Busteni | Romania | Scoala Gimnaziala Sanatorila | 45.416 | 25.535 |
| Del Castilho | Brazil | Instituto Superior do Saber | -22.881 | -43.260 |
| Galati | Romania | Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 29. | 45.415 | 28.016 |
| Guarne | Colombia | Grupo Astrofánaticos | 6.274 | -75.447 |
| Larissa | Greece | 16th Primary school of Larissa | 39.627 | 22.415 |
| Méier | Brazil | Escola Municipal Bento Ribeiro | -22.904 | -43.280 |
| Montcuq | France | Fondation La main à la pâte | 44.340 | 1.210 |
| Pelotas | Brazil | Federal University of Pelotas | -31.772 | -52.329 |
| Sinop | Brazil | Federal University of Mato Grosso | -11.865 | -55.483 |