Flag | City | Country | School | Latitude (°) +N/-S | Longitude (°) +E/-W |
| Aigio | Greece | 1st High School of Aigio | 38.252 | 22.079 |
| Athens | Greece | Experimental School agion Anargyron | 38.027 | 23.726 |
| Boğazlıyan | Turkey | Science and Art Center | 39.200 | 35.189 |
| Busteni | Romania | Scoala Gimnaziala Sanatoriala | 45.416 | 25.535 |
| Chivilcoy | Argentina | Parque Cielos del Sur | -34.911 | -60.014 |
| Guarne | Colombia | Grupo Astrofánaticos | 6.274 | -75.447 |
| Malovat | Romania | Scoala Gimnaziala Malovat | 44.707 | 22.722 |
| Méier | Brazil | Escola Municipal Bento Ribeiro | -22.904 | -43.280 |
| Montcuq | France | Fondation La main à la pâte | 44.340 | 1.210 |
| Pogana | Romania | Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 | 46.313 | 27.575 |
| Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | Centro Educacional Nosso Mundo | -22.890 | -43.317 |